Hier erklären die Argys sich an die Direktiven von Judge Griesa halte.....(In Sachen pari passu, pro rata und Einschränkungen der Zahlungsweisen insbesondere in Bezug auf die BoNY Mellen
Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, Francisco Guillermo Eggers declares as follows:
1. I am the National Director of the ationa! Bureau of Public Credit of the
Ministry of Economy and Public Finance of the Republic of Argentina (the "Republic").
2. I am familia r with the facts of th is case and submit this declaration on
behalf of the Republic and in support of the Memorandum of the Republic in Response to
Plaintiffs' Briero" Remand.
3. During the November 9, 2012 conference before the Court, the Court read
the following provision o f the Order dated March 5, 2012 (the "March 5 Stay Order'') into the
"[1]0 secure Plaintiffs' rights during the pendency of the Republic's appeals of the
February 23, 2012 Orders to the Second Circuit, it is ordered that the Republic shall not during
the pendency of the appeal to the Second Circuit take any action to evade the directi ves of the
February 23, 2012 Orders in the event they are affinned, render them ineffective in the event
they are amnned, or diminish the Court's ability to supervise compliance with the February 23,
2012 Orders in the event they are affinned, inc luding without limitation, a ltering or amending
the processes or specific transfer mechanisms by which it makes payments on the Exchange
Bonds, without prior approval of the Court" (March 5 Stay Orde r 2).
4. As requested by the Court, on behalf of the Republ ic, I con finn that the
Republic has complied, is complying, and will comply with the tenns of the March 5 Stay Order
as SCI forth above in paragraph 3.
Case 1:08-cv-06978-TPG Document 400 Filed 11/16/12 Page 3 of 4I dec lare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on November 16,2012, in Buenos Aires
o Gui11enno Eggers
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